Fall Coronation – 2021 – CANCELLED

Payments will be returned to those who have paid in advance. If you paid by check we can mail the check back to you or shred. If you paid via PayPal we will refund that money to you once the funds are released by the kingdom by check. You can contact our exchequer at Alan Raven Hockersmith by email at marcellerous@gmail.com. If you have any questions feel free to email our seneschal at lauraannspringer@yahoo.com.

Date: September 11, 2021
Location: Lions Club Open Air Hockey Arena, 240 East Ave, West Salem, WI 54669
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/141434551395997/
Site is handicap-accessible and VERY DRY.

PRE REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED! Due to the rise in COVID Cases, Their Royal Majesties and Highnesses and the Shire of Rokeclif have come to the decision that we are now closing Pre Registration out of an abundance of caution. We will reassess on Tuesday September 7th.

NOTE: We will follow all current Kingdom, State, CDC, and local COVID guidelines.
As guidelines and restrictions are updated, we will update the event information on this webpage.


Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

Site Fees

  • Prepayment is not necessary, but there are two options.
    • PayPal (preferred): invoice will be sent after you submit the online form
    • Mail a check ahead of time: please send it to:
      • Jessica Chadwick
        3150 34th Street S, Apt 205
        La Crosse, WI 54601
  • Deadline for Preregistration: CLOSED EARLY due to increased COVID numbers.
    • August 28 if paying by check
    • September 4 at 11:59pm CDT if paying online or at the gate
  • Amounts:
    • Adult Registration: $15
    • Member Discounted Rate: $10 (blue card required)
    • Children ages 5-17: $5
    • Children under 5: Free
  • Site opens at 8:00am for royalty, 9:00am for populace, and will close by 10:00pm
  • Lunch: Bring your own food. Serving meals is not allowed at SCA events yet. HRH has a severe allergy to strawberries, so please do not bring any strawberries.
  • Picnic tables are available, but you are strongly encouraged to bring your own chairs.



  • Merchants are welcome, no merchant fee.
  • Space will be available outside, and in open areas by the populace, so please bring your own shade fly.

Event Staff

  • Autocrat: Jessica Chadwick – Lady Judith Krahe vom Schwarzwald jcburley@gmail.com
  • Autocrat: Kirsta Skaff – Lady Bronislàva of the Shattered Seax
  • Gate Keeper: Alan Hockersmith – Marcel Le Rous
  • Royalty Liaison: Mark Roth – Baron Ahlwin von Hildebrand
  • Marshal in Charge – Sir Kaydian Bladebreaker
  • Rapier Marshal in Charge – Vitruvian Muiredach mac Seamus

Event Details

  • Schedule
    • 10:00am Morning Court
    • Fighting, both heavy and light, will happen as time and weather allow.
    • 3:00pm Deadline for voting in the Queen’s Largesse Competition
    • 4:00pm Afternoon Court
    • Remaining schedule TBD
  • Parking – Estimated enough parking for approximately 50 cars with additional parking at the Middle School next door.
  • Fighting – There is space for fighting in the open air. Rain option is available on site if needed.
  • Classes – Plenty of room for classes and for populace to gather.
  • Personal Pavilions – Populace is welcome to set up personal pavilions.

Arts & Sciences Queen’s Largesse Competition

  1. Each participant will create 10 of the same/similar items to be donated to the Kingdom Largesse. Only one set of 10 per entrant.
  2. All (10) items per contestant entered must be displayed in the competition (if possible — this is preferred by Her Highness).
  3. The winner of The Populace Vote will get a cool thing (as yet a MYSTERY! Oooooh!)
  4. Her Highness will also be choosing her second A & S Champion for the Queen’s Guard from the participants (MAY be the Populace Vote Winner, MAYbe not!)
  5. As this is a bone dry site, you should not enter adult beverages, and food is also not accepted.
  6. Documentation is optional but if you choose to include it, be sure to take that into consideration when reserving your spot. The space on the provided tables is first come, first served, so keep that in mind when choosing a size for your project. In the event that all provided table space is reserved, you will have the option of bringing your own table, but we won’t start accepting extra tables until after the 12 tables have been filled, keeping available (floor) real estate in mind.
  7. The tables are approximately 3’x6′ and they will be divided into halves and quarters.
  8. Please keep in mind the portability of largesse. It is for this reason, and to offer space for more creators to participate, that we have chosen not to offer a whole table to any one contributor.
  9. To register for the competition, please send an email to: Lady Jelena Pagani jelena.pagani1986@gmail.com with
    1. Your SCA name
    2. Your desired display size (1/4, 1/2, 3/4)
    3. You don’t have to say what you’re making
    4. You do not have to be present to win
    5. There’s still room for quarter- and half-table spots (most folks should only need a quarter) and reservations are required by no later than 9 September.
    6. Yes! You can send in your entry if you’re unable to attend the event. Please email jelena.pagani1986@gmail.com to confirm and she will give you the address to send your entry. Make sure you mail it in time to arrive by 9 September.